About us

Don’t try to tell the client what he wants. If you want to be smart, be smart in the shower. Then get out, go to work, and serve the client.

About Company

We Build New Future With Best Technology

ValidatElia as an idea was conceived by a team of experts led by L V Rajan Kolath for Enterprises to measure, monitor, evaluate and assess Business Controls, Internal Controls and Risk Management on a real time basis through verification and validation of process, procedures, transactions and events with transparency to all stakeholders. ValidatElia reduces time, cost and human error in verification and validation through digitization and automation. ValidatElia can input data manually, semi automated or automated based on quality of input available with the customer.
ValidatElia digitizes reports, workflow and verification while automating validation and variance mapping of defined scope. ValidatElia has capability to be integrated with inhouse ERP and other software. ValidatElia guides an enterprise in its Business Controls, Internal Controls and Risk Management spanning planning, organizing, operations, finance, reporting and enabling unbiased information for decision making.

ValidatElia is a pay as you use software tool with capability to conduct bespoke and customised verifications and validation. ValidatElia today is a led by domain and subject matters experts in Corporate, Banks and NGO with an in house IT software development team.

ValidatElia is part of VentureBloom, Singapore and aspire to bring affordable digital transformation and engineering solutions to the global markets. ValidatElia is a solution to every enterprise for digitizing and automating review and monitoring of controls and risk. Various frameworks including COSO, SOX, IIA Standards, CISA have been considered in the validation process in ValidatElia tools. ValidatElia enables its client enterprises to focus on core business and scale greater heights.

VentureBloom spotted the opportunity in digital transformation through simplifying monitoring, evaluation and assessment of controls and risk. The quality of ValidatElia tools are recognized by our clients both listed and unlisted enterprises with large scale operations and multi geography presence. The ValidatElia foot print is now present across India with daily generation of more than 200 reports. ValidatElia is presently focused on India market and would be launched to more countries in 3rd Quarter of 2023. ValidatElia is committed to deliver its path breaking tools and solutions to global audience to foster digital transformation in every enterprise and positively impacting life of people. Today, ValidatElia is becoming a preferred tool for monitoring controls and risk; fostering qualitative unbiased decision making. We have always focused on growth of our clients through commitment to laid down process and procedure; upholding highest standards of compliance. Today ValidatElia has a strong team to manage more than 100 locations for its clients. Our relationships with clients continue long term due to the depth of adoption of the ValidatElia offerings.

Basic Steps

Step 1

Create Engagements

Step 2

Build Reports and Assign Users

Step 3

Generate Reports and Automated Variance

Create Engagements

Every client has engagements managed by internal and external resources. First identify every process and function workflow, documentation, verification and validation that needs to be digitized. Create Engagements

Build Reports and Assign Users

Create check points, identify the optimum expected answers, build report and assign users. The digitized work flow is field officer, supervisor, team lead, quality control and super boss. The software is managed by the Super Admin of the enterprise.

Generate Reports and Automated Variance

Fill the checklists. The software will identify the variance for automated questions and manually where human evaluation is required. Enable decision makers to make proactive decisions.

Why Choose Us

Monitor and Evaluate Business Controls, Internal Controls and Risk Management
Real time Verification and Validation


Software tool ValidatElia conceived by domain and subject matters experts with decades of experience in Business Controls, Internal Controls, Preventive Controls, Detective Controls and Risk Management joint with industry experts spanning from manufacturing, FMCG, Infrastructure, Hospitality, Catering, Services and NGO.


Real Time access and visibility for all stakeholders, transparency and confidentiality, predefined work flow, select features make ValidatElia unique.


Dedicated development team, converting idea into software, testing for optimum performance, ensuring the best in line solutions and uninterrupted service to clients. Tailor made modifications for premium clients.


Bespoke and tailor made reports enable clients to create, innovate and invent the way they want to test the controls and monitoring and evaluation work flow enables timely information for decision making. Management is forewarned and forearmed in the decision making process. The Reports flag the variance on real time basis ensuring quality of decision making. Audit Trail of work flow ensure follow up action where required.


Affordable pricing makes ValidatElia the right buy for critical function monitoring and evaluation. ValidatElia reduces cost, time and human error, while the enterprise pays on usage basis.


Joint experience of team is more than 300 years. Ideation evolved into a SaaS tool which has been commercially successful in handling verification and validation of business controls, internal controls and risk management of enterprises with large operations and multi geography activity; thus reducing time, cost and human error.
